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Типография Триада-МBooklets

Price upon request

Price upon request

Price upon request

Price upon request

Price upon request

Design and printing of booklets in the Triada-M printing house is offered on coated paper in quantities of 1000 pcs. using offset printing technology, and in smaller editions using digital printing.

The rules of the booklet assume the presence of folds, due to which it turns into a multi-page publication. If you sew several spreads on the staple, you get a brochure.

The layout and price of a booklet depends on the number of pages, illustrations, and the degree of their processing.

There is, of course, a booklet template, usually A5 or A4 format, in which the front side is distinguished - the cover, which carries the main advertising load, the back of the cover, where the address block is usually placed. Inner pages are used for illustrations and textual information